Leagues Announcement
Joint statement from the East Riding County League, MKM Hull Sunday Men’s League, Driffield and District League, Hull and District Veterans League, East Riding Girls League and Hull and District Youth Football League.
Following the FA’s recent announcement, with regards to the conclusion of the 2019 / 20 season for all grassroots football, an online meeting between The East Riding FA and all the respective leagues within the County was held to discuss options available.
Over the past week the respective League Management Committees have reviewed the information provided and discussed the options internally with their Management Committee members. As a result, the League Committees, in line with their delegated powers of authority from The FA Standard Code of Rules and Standard Code of Rules for Youth have now come to a decision on how they plan to conclude the season.
This information has been communicated directly to all clubs.
Please note the Humber Premier League and East Riding Women’s Leagues are part of the FA pyramid and as such the decision to conclude their league season was made by the FA and not at local level.
league contact details