Bude Park Playing Fields - Community Sports Hub
Is your football club looking for a new home?
Hull City Council is seeking expressions of interest to develop a long term partnership in maximising the local sporting opportunities on Bude Park with an anchor tenant. Through linkages with local schools, community groups, sports clubs and other physical activities groups, creating a sporting hub. The key objectives are to increase the number of people of all ages participating in sport and physical activities in their community and through partnership working to take forward Bude Park
Playing Fields as a centre of excellence in sports.
Located on Bude Road Bude Park is Hull City Councils third largest park, located in the North Carr area of the city. Approximately half of the park is currently seen as wetland and wildlife habitat with minimal maintenance the other half of the park boasts a modern play area, outdoor gym, car park with height restriction giving parking for approximately 30 cars, a building used for changing facilities and public toilets and a vast playing field as indicated on the appendix 1 bounded in red. Recent
investment on the park has seen a footpath installed from the Ennerdale entrance to the Kingswood retail park. The City Council has also secured c £350K through section 106 receipts for investment into playing field improvements, changing facilities and toilets for community benefit.
The aim of creating a Community Sports Hub on Bude Park is to:
•Create a partnership approach to the provision of sports on Bude Park
•Provide a safe place that provides sporting opportunities for all the community
•Create a centre of excellence managed through a partnership committee for the community
•A forum for opportunities for training and development to support capacity building
•Create access to sport for those marginalised and disadvantaged in communities
•A reduced financial pressure on Hull City Council by the anchor tenant taking on the management and maintenance for sports
Expressions of interest must include the following:
•Details of the capacity of the organisation, committee size, volunteer base and financial
position with details of match or potential match funding, with details of eligibility to
•Your vision for the site with a strong focus on innovation and community
•How you will bring additionality to the site thus creating the sports centre of excellence
•How opportunities will be promoted and maximised for community use through need and
demand of the site
•A projection of the possible outcomes
•A letter of support from your relevant National Governing Body and County Sports
•Details on the clubs accreditation
The expressions of interest will be short listed by Hull City Council and Hull Culture and Leisure with those that make the short list being invited to discuss further details.
For further information or an informal discussion please call Chris Craven on 01482 616906 or email chris.craven@hullcc.gov.uk
If you are interested in submitting an expression of interest please submit this by noon 31 March 2018.
Expressions of interest should be submitted to:
Chris Craven
North Carr Neighbourhood Team
Hull City Council
Zeal’s Garth
Or by email chris.craven@hullcc.gov.uk